EDI - Electronic Data Interchange - for Secure Data Exchange

We want our processes involving the digital exchange of company-relevant documents between us and our business partners to be secure and efficient. That is why we use a standard EDI program, which is integrated into our Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, for processes such as Orders (ORDERS), delivery notes (DESADV) and invoices (INVOIC).

All documents are transmitted in the form of structured data without any manual intervention, thus ensuring efficient and cost-saving processes, as well as flawless communication.


Benefits of Using EDI

Person sits in front of laptop, in front of it is an hourglass

Time Saving

Business processes are carried out in real time without the need for any paper forms or manual input and are quicker as a result.

Woman sitting in front of a laptop and looking at her watch

Increased Efficiency

The automated data exchange prevents errors and makes document transfers and document postings significantly more efficient.

Someone throws a coin into a jar with more coins

Cost Saving

The automated data exchange reduces postage and paper costs. It also reduces the time and effort required for document entry and archiving.

You see a laptop screen with lots of data and a lock

Process Security

The successful transmission and delivery of documents is verified and confirmed via the implemented communication protocols.

A man and a woman are talking to another person. The woman shakes this person's hand.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Shorter delivery times, not to mention optimized orders and deliveries, ensure more efficiency along the entire supply chain.

Person sitting in front of a laptop. The picture also shows an icon with a tick.

Improved Data Quality

The automatic check for the completeness and plausibility of document data allows errors to be detected and error notifications to be promptly sent to the respective business partners. Data input errors are also prevented.

Large building in which many people move around quickly.

Increased Agility

Business processes can be adapted to market changes much faster and automatically.


Options for Technically Connecting EDI to Kaufland

Classic EDI

For all business partners with their own EDI system or in collaboration with an EDI system provider.

The data exchange of EDI messages takes place directly between the EDI system of your company and our EDI system in accordance with the established EDI industry standard of GS1 for EANCOM. Data can be transferred either via the common communication protocol AS2 or X400.

WebEDI Portal

For small and medium-sized companies that do not have their own EDI system or do not use an EDI system of an EDI provider and, for business reasons, have no plans to use EDI in the future either.

You, as a supplier, can view the Kaufland orders on the free WebEDI Portal and create shipping notifications and invoices via the intuitive web interface in an efficient turnaround procedure. In such cases, the document data from the predecessor documents is transferred and this reduces manual effort. The EDI messages to Kaufland are then automatically generated by the portal itself.

Use this link to watch Kaufland’s explanatory video on WebEDI (3m 38s).

Self-EDI Portal

When carrying out the connection processes to EDI and also during the entire extended process, you can use the workflow-based solution of Schwarz Group, namely SELF-EDI.SCHWARZ. The portal supports you, as a supplier, in all steps up to go-live.


Interested? Then Get in Touch!

Are you, as a business partner, interested in starting the EDI message exchange with us? Then please get in touch with your contact partner at Kaufland.